Yellow teeth can reduce your self-confidence, especially when mixed with tea stains and smoking stains. There are many ways to help you whiten your teeth. Some opt to a fast and more convenient way by going to Dentist Lakewood Co, while others choose to use natural ingredients. 

1.Baking Soda 

One alternative for an effective toothpaste is baking soda. Baking soda has been used not just for teeth, but it is also used in different cleaning. It can even remove stain from your tiles or dead cells from your skin. It is also good for fighting bacteria that cause bad breath and tooth decay. 

However, it is not recommended to use this as often as you can. Use this twice to thrice a week to prevent grinding away your enamel.  

2.Lemon, Banana, or Orange Peels 

There are people who claim that rubbing the inside part of the peels of these fruits can help in whitening the teeth. This is most probably to the d-limonene and citric acid that are found in citrus fruit peel like those in orange and lemon.  

There are different research debating about its effectiveness in whitening the teeth. In research done in 2010, it was found out that d-limonene is effective in removing stains from smoke and tea, but fail to remove long-standing smoking stains.  

All you need to do is to rub the peels on your teeth for two minutes. However, you need to be careful as the acid might hurt your enamel.  

3.Hydrogen Peroxide 

Hydrogen peroxide is considered to be a mild bleach effective for skin and teeth whitening. You can make a paste by mixing hydrogen peroxide and baking soda and use the paste once in alternating days to avoid drying your enamel and mouth.  

Hydrogen peroxide also increases tooth sensitivity so long-term use ins not recommended.  

4.Apple Cider Vinegar 

In research published in 2014, it was found out that apple cider vinegar is effective in whitening cow’s teeth. It was then claimed that this ingredient contains properties that can use to whiten human’s teeth.  

You can make a mouthwash by mixing six ounces of water and two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar. swish it for only 30 seconds before rinsing and brushing your teeth. 

5.Activated Charcoal 

Activated charcoal is highly absorbent. It is used in different cleaning purposes like polluted air, and others. It is even used for cleansing the skin.  

It is also believed that that charcoal can remove stains and pigments from your teeth too. It also gets rid of bacteria and toxins in the mouth. There is a lot of toothpaste in the market that contains activated carbon. However, using the activated carbon itself can be more effective than using this toothpaste. 

All you need to do is to open a capsule of activated charcoal and put it directly on your toothbrush. Gently brush your teeth in small circles within two to three minutes. Avoid keeping it exposed to your gums as it can be abrasive. Avoid brushing too aggressively.  


Using fruit peels and activated charcoal are not fully proven by a good amount of research. However, there are many statements from users who claim that these are effective.